Top 10 Decluttering Questions To Help You Lighten Your Load!


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Are you officially motivated to attain a Tidy Home? AWESOME—Me too! One thing that I noticed when I went to declutter my home was that I still felt very guilty about purging.

Despite the fact some of these items I hadn't used or looked at in years, I still felt bad for dismissing them. I had to use Marie Kondo's advice to change my view on getting rid of my possessions.

When I used these decluttering questions, it made the process much easier. I felt like a weight was being lifted off my shoulders, and it made decluttering my home go much quicker. 

But before we get into the top 10 decluttering questions, let’s discuss the benefits of decluttering your life!

Benefits of Decluttering Your Life

You might be surprised at the many benefits you reap simply by decluttering your life. Here are just a few ways you will benefit:

You will have less stress and anxiety

Did you know that ridding clutter can reduce stress and anxiety? Clutter can have a negative impact on your mental state because it overloads your senses. Having a nice tidy living space will ease your mind and help you relax.

Decluttering saves you money

Decluttering also helps you save money by not having to store unused items in your house or in an expensive storage unit. Also, having your bills organized will help you pay them on time, saving you big bucks in late fees.

Check out my article over at Better Homes & Gardens “How Much Is Clutter Costing You? Save Money With These Helpful Organizing Tips!”

It saves you time

Another huge benefit of decluttering your life is that it saves you TIME! Gone will be the days of searching for lost items because you will have a “home” for everything.

So, now that you know some of the fantastic benefits you will enjoy let’s get into the top decluttering questions to ask yourself to minimize your home!

Top 10 Decluttering Questions

Now that you're ready to take on this organizational challenge, let's go over the best decluttering questions you can use to help you declutter your home. 

But first, be sure to grab the FREE DECLUTTERING YOUR HOME CHECKLIST! This list will help you check off each category as you complete your organization goals.

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    1. Does this Spark Joy?

    Remember how I discussed how Marie Kondo teaches how to surround yourself with items that Spark Joy? This is the first question you will ask yourself as you begin to sort through your things. You hold the item and ask yourself if it sparks joy.

    I had some sentimental items that actually sparked sadness and grief, and I realized that it was time to let them go. If you find that an item doesn't spark joy, then it goes to the discard pile. If it does spark joy, then you proceed to the next big question. 

    (Grab a copy of Marie Kondo’s book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up for more inspiration!)

    2. Have I used this in the Last Year?

    One of the simplest yet most powerful decluttering questions to ask yourself is, "Have I used this in the last year?" Think about it and be honest.

    How long has it been since you've worn that dress hanging in the back of your closet, read those books covered in dust on the shelf, or busted out that blender in the back of the kitchen cabinets?

    When I started to purge my kitchen cabinets, I had a massive amount of unused appliances people had given me.

    One was still in the box unused, and it had been years! I live in a relatively small house and always thought I didn't have enough space.

    Truth be told, I don't need more space; I need less stuff! As you begin to go through your items, if you haven't touched any of these things in the last year, it's time to let them go.

    Whether you Toss It, Donate It, or Sell it-give it a new home. You have gotten the use you needed, and it's time to move on.

    3. Does This Fit into my Dream Home?

    If you're still struggling with keeping or tossing an item, then this question should help you decide. When you visualize your new tidy home or dream home, does this item fit into the picture? You can use this with all of your items and in different scenarios.

    Maybe you've had the same wardrobe for ten years, do you want to wear the same clothes for the next ten? Or do you want to move into your present with your new self?

    When you picture your decluttered bedroom with less junk and knick-knacks, does this item serve a purpose?

    Will it add to your decor or cause clutter and detour from it? Is it the style you are envisioning in your home? Maybe you want to completely change your decor into a coastal decor or a country theme-does this item fit in?

    When you start to look at your home with a new vision, it becomes much easier to let go of old things. It's invigorating, actually! 

    4. Does this item still serve me?

    We go through various stages of life. What once served us may not fit into our lives anymore. So, when going through your items, be honest with yourself about each one and ask, “Does this item still serve me?” If not, then you know it’s time to part ways with it.

    5. Do I have more than one?

    A big part of minimalist living is downsizing to your needs. Sure it’s okay to have wants as well but having an overabundance of things leads to clutter.

    Do you have more than one, and if so, do you need more than one? For instance, do you need 5 spatulas?

    The answer is more than likely not. So why not keep a big one and a small one and get rid of the rest. Of course, you need more than one for some items, such as clothing, but you get the gist. 

    6. Do I need this?

    Ahhhh, one of the most essential decluttering questions in your arsenal. “Do I need this?” It’s vital to be able to determine your needs vs. your wants. Figuring out if you actually need something is pretty powerful.

    One way I help myself do this is if I had to, for some reason, evacuate my home, what do I truly need. Think about that, and you will quickly find out that there are only a handful of items you truly need; the rest is, well, luxury.

    7. Would I buy this now?

    This is one of those simple questions to ask when decluttering that can really help the decision process easier!

    If you saw this in the store, would you buy it now? Our taste changes through life, so it’s okay to appreciate an item and then pass it along to the next person.

    8. Is this in the way?

    My decluttering journey started because I was getting fed up with crap in my way. I lived in a small 960-square-foot house so let’s just say every day, I dip and dodge around stuff.

    So now much of that stuff is heading out the door. If things are in the way, but you don’t use them on a daily basis, it’s time for it to hit the road!

    9. Is it sentimental?

    I am a sentimental sap! So I’m not huge on chucking something that actually means something to me. However, if it does not bring you happiness, then it may be time to say goodbye. We hold on to way too much pain, and sometimes items can bring up those hurtful emotions.

    So, unless it makes you smile or has much meaning, then you know what to do. If you still want to remember it but don’t really want to keep it, take a picture so you can see it when you want to.

    10. Would I keep this if I moved?

    Let me ask you this. If you were moving to another home, perhaps your dream home, would you keep the item and take it with you? Be honest with yourself with this one because it can make letting things go much simpler.

    Use these decluttering questions to minimize your living!

    Using these top 10 decluttering questions can simplify the decluttering process and make it go much faster! These questions empower you to make quick decisions and take the initiative to attain a tidy & happy home.

    Don’t forget to grab the FREE Decluttering Checklist to help you start your journey to a more organized home!

    Get The Free Decluttering Checklist!

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