25 Ideas For A Fun Day Sunday!

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Sometimes you just need to reset from a long week, and what better way to do that than to have a fun day Sunday! It’s essential to your health that you do something you enjoy daily, but why not make a dedicated day of the week to put some fun back in your life?

So, give yourself permission to unplug and find some joy! 

25 Ideas For A Fun Day Sunday!

Stumped on what to do for a Sunday? Check out these 25 fun things to do on a Sunday for inspiration!

  1. Tour your hometown like a tourist

If you’ve never toured your own town, you’re missing out! Touring your town like a tourist makes you check out places you’ve never seen before. Plus, you can revisit your favorite places too.

So, take the day and check out a new shop, eat somewhere different, and find a fun place to try a new activity!

2. Have a fondue party

Make your Sunday delicious and have a fondue party. You can go with salty or sweet or both! Melted cheese with tasty treats or succulent chocolate with fruit and other yummy snacks will make your day fantastic. 

3. Take a painting class

Painting is so much fun, and it’s relaxing. You can either go to a Paint Night class or do it virtually and have your own bottle of wine at home. 

4. Try a new hobby

One of the most fun things to do on a Sunday is to try a new hobby! Take the day and start on something you’ve always wanted to do.

Have you wanted to learn photography, play an instrument, or try paddleboarding? It’s the perfect way to do something you enjoy and recharge for the week ahead. 

5. Read a book and relax

Sometimes simply reading a good book and relaxing can be a great way to spend the day. Make it even better by heading outside under a tree or layout in the sun for some vitamin D. 

6. Make your bucket list

If you haven’t made your bucket list, then it’s time to start! Making a list of all the things you desire to do will inspire you to live life to the fullest! 

7. Call or video chat a friend or family member

It’s easy to get caught up with the hustle and bustle of life and lose touch with people we love. Take some time and call or video chat with friends and family and let them know you care. 

8. Take a bike ride through the park

One of the simplest yet fun things to do on a Sunday is to take a nice bike ride through the park. Get some fresh air and exercise while having a good time doing it. 

9. Go on a picnic

Pack a picnic and head somewhere beautiful. It can be at the park, off the beaten path somewhere, or even in your own backyard. 

10. Craft the day away

I love crafts! So this is one of my favorite fun things to do on a Sunday. Whether it’s upcycling something or making jewelry, it is a great way to spend the day. Check out Pinterest for inspiration and ideas. 

11. Make homemade bread

If you’ve never tasted homemade bread, this is an absolute must for your Fun Day Sunday! Not only is it super yummy, but your house will smell good too. Check out Jessica’s easy homemade bread recipe. 

12. Create a memory wall with your favorite pictures

Spruce up your space with a beautiful wall of pictures of your favorite memories. You can create a collage in the shape of a heart or however, you want to express your cherished times. 

13. Make a vision board

One of the best things to do for a Fun Day Sunday is to create a vision board! A vision board is made up of pictures, quotes, and goals you want to achieve. Be sure to hang it where you’ll see it every day to stay inspired. 

14. Plant a garden

Gardening is truly therapeutic. Not only do you experience joy while doing it, but you will transform your backyard or front yard into a floral paradise that you can enjoy every day.

15. Take a day trip

Have a fantastic fun day Sunday and take a day trip somewhere! Head to the next town, take in the sites, check out the local shops, and grab a bite to eat. 

16. Have a bonfire...smores included

A backyard bonfire is excellent no matter what season it is. Of course, you have to include smores to make it even better.

17. Volunteer at an animal shelter

One of the best things to do on a Sunday is to help some furry friends at a local animal shelter. Sometimes you can volunteer to take pictures for adoptions or walk the pups. It’s a great way to spend your Sunday. 

18. Make a time capsule

So, what to do on a Sunday that you will remember years later? Make a time capsule! Put in pictures, trinkets, and other neat items that will excite you when you open it in a year or five years from now. 

19. Take up bird-watching

I adore our feathered friends and have thoroughly enjoyed bird-watching. You can either do it from your own yard or head to a park and see what types of birds are native to your area. 

20. Have a movie marathon

When is the last time you watched your favorite movie? How about picking out a couple of your top favorite flicks and making a chill day out of it?

21. Start doing your Pinterest ideas

If you’re a fellow Pinterest lover, it’s time that you actually start trying all of those fabulous ideas you’ve pinned! Pick one or two and have a Fun Day Sunday with Pinterest. 

22. Make your favorite dessert

Do you love a succulent chocolate cake or a delectable blackberry cobbler? Why not try to make it homemade for a fun day Sunday. There are tons of yummy dessert recipes to choose from! 

23. Create a gratitude journal

Kitty Cat Notebook/Journal by Simplicity & Sunshine!

It’s easy to get caught up in always wanting more, so start a gratitude journal to be thankful for everything you have in life! 

24. Go hiking

There’s nothing better than taking in a day full of nature. Look up different hiking trails in your area for a day of fresh air, sightseeing, and maybe some furry creatures if you’re lucky!

25. Do nothing...all-day

One of the best things to do on a Sunday is...NOTHING! Yes, take a day and let yourself just be. Sleep, lay around, and just relax. Have a day with no agenda, and see how refreshed you are on Monday! 

Try these ideas for a Fun Day Sunday!

Sundays are a fantastic day to do something you love. Whether it’s trying a new hobby, taking a day trip, or simply letting yourself do nothing, you should let yourself have a day that is just for you.

I’ve created a free printable of these 25 ideas for you to print and check off each adventure. Just opt-in with your email address and get access to the free printable!

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