Make These 5 Goals This Year For a Simpler Life!

Photo by Dave Ruck on Unsplash

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What are your goals this year? Do they align with the life you want to live? If you’re not really happy with your life and feel like you are so busy you never get to enjoy anything, then you should consider working towards a simpler life.

As you prepare for the coming year, think of what truly matters to you and how simplifying can help you make more time for that. That being said, let’s dive into the goals you should make to simplify your life.

Top 5 Goals to Make This Year for a Simpler Life!

  1. Get Out Of Debt

Maybe you have an abundance of debt, and it’s going to take more than a year to become debt-free. That’s okay! The point is to start doing your best to get out of debt so you can simplify your life.

Being debt-free means fewer bills and less financial stress. Having less to owe means you have the ability to work less. Or at least have the option to take more time away from work and do things you love.

The best way to work on getting out of debt is to create a debt payoff strategy. There are two very popular methods for paying off debt. One is the “Debt Snowball,” and the other is the “Avalanche Method.

With the debt snowball method, you start paying off your smallest debt first. After paying off the first debt, you use that money in addition to the minimum payment towards the next smallest debt and pay that off, and so on, so it creates a “snowball effect.”

The avalanche method is better if you want to save money on expensive interest. You pay off the debt with the highest interest rate, then proceed to the next debt with the second highest rate, and so on.

Choose the method that is best for you and your budget, so you stick with it. Becoming debt free should be at the top of your list of goals this year!

2. Declutter Your Life

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    Clutter is exhausting and causes chaos. Trust me, I know. My goal this year is to declutter and become a minimalist! You don’t have to become a minimalist, although it will simplify your life a lot, but decluttering is essential if you want to live simply.

    Similar to choosing the right debt payoff method or diet per say, you need to pick a decluttering method that works for you. There are many decluttering methods to choose from that will help you tackle your clutter.

    Some of the most popular ones are the five-box method, the Konmari method, and the time-limit method. Here is a preview of what each method entails:

    Five Box Method

    With the five-box method, you use boxes to separate your items to make it easier. You will have a box for donations, a box to sell, a box to keep, a box to relocate items, and a box for trash.

    You simply fill each one with the corresponding items for the box. Just make sure you donate the items you choose quickly and get rid of things as fast as possible. Otherwise, you will have boxes stacked up, taking up space.

    Konmari Decluttering Method

    You can’t say decluttering without mentioning the famous Marie Kondo. Her method teaches you to keep items that “spark joy.”

    She has you separate your clutter into categories rather than decluttering by the room. For example, you gather all of your clothing and put it into a pile to decide if you are keeping it or not. I highly recommend the book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” to learn how to change your life by clearing the clutter!

    The Time Limit Method

    If you just want to get the clutter out as fast as you possibly can, then you should try the time limit method. You set a timer, let’s say, for 30 minutes to declutter an entire room. It’s tough, but it can make the process much faster. This is perfect for those of us that just want to clean house fast!

    Decluttering can reduce stress and give you back precious time you spend searching for lost items. That’s why decluttering your life should be one of your goals this year.

    3. Minimize Your Living Space

    How much house do you really need? The tiny home movement showed everyone that living simply could be the key to true happiness. You don’t have to go to the extreme and live in a tiny home, but you could consider minimizing your living space if possible.

    Consider the expense where you live. A bigger place means bigger bills. It’s a higher house payment, more utility usage, more upkeep, etc. So, if you are truly ready for a big change, then consider a smaller home.

    4. Create Passive Income

    This is on my list of goals for this year, and if you want to work less, it should be one of your yearly goals too! Passive income is earning money with minimal effort. The initial work is in the set-up, and then you continue to earn from your work long after the job is done.

    For instance, if you write a book or e-book, that could be considered passive income. You work to write the book but continue earning royalties long after the words have been penned to the page.

    Or something like a rental property. There is some work, but getting monthly rent once you purchase the property and set it up can be a lucrative income with less work involved.

    Find ways to create passive income so you can earn money without working as much!

    5. Learn to be Content

    Learning to be content can improve your finances and your well-being. Constantly striving for more of everything has many burnt out and unhappy.

    That’s because it’s the simple things in life that make many of us happiest. For instance, a good conversation with someone you love or being outside and enjoying nature.

    Being content with what you have will prevent you from having fear of missing out syndrome. It will help you avoid buying things because that is what you are “expected” to do or because you are trying to keep up with someone else’s lifestyle.

    Being content can set you free. So, make practicing contentment one of your goals this year.

    Attain These Goals This Year for a Simpler Life!

    Make goals this year that will bring you happiness and peace. Simple living is the path to freedom. Getting caught up in the always needing more mentality can leave you feeling unhappy and in financial turmoil if you are not careful.

    So, if you are ready to free up your schedule and fill your life with simple pleasures, then get started on these goals for the year!

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