FREE Printable Decluttering Checklist PDF to Tackle Your Clutter with Ease!

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Whether you are making it your goal this year to simplify your life or are simply sick of the clutter, this FREE printable decluttering checklist pdf will help you tackle your clutter easily!

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    How This Simple Free Decluttering Checklist PDF will Help You 

    Personally, I’m finding it hard to stay focused and motivated to declutter. That’s why I made this decluttering checklist pdf. So, if you’re having some trouble getting started, here are a few ways a checklist will help you:

    1. A Decluttering Checklist Provides Structure

    So, you decided it’s time to declutter your life, but you have no idea where to start. A decluttering checklist provides a bit of structure and gives ideas on where you can get started. Although this checklist has no particular order listed, you can get an idea of places that need to be worked on.

    Otherwise, if you’re like me, you might spend your day walking from room to room feeling overwhelmed and then just lie down to take a nap. 🤣

    2. You Can Start with the Category that’s Easiest for You 

    This free decluttering checklist pdf is super simple to use. It has a list of categories with blank check boxes so you can pick which category is easiest for you to get started. 

    So, if you think tackling clothes is not as hard as going through your kitchen cabinets, then start there. Once you are done, check it off and go to the next area. 

    Starting with an easy area helps get you in the groove and gives you the momentum to keep going!

    3. It Keeps You Motivated

    Having a checklist can help you stay motivated. It will show you what is left to do, and you get satisfaction every time you get to check a category box you have completed. Tracking your progress is key to staying motivated. 

    Simplify the Decluttering Process with the 5-Box Method!

    This is my favorite decluttering method because it simplifies the process, and you can get more done in less time. Here is a rundown of how the 5-box method works:

    Box 1: Trash

    In my “How to clean house fast” post, you will notice that you first go around and gather up all of the trash. As you declutter, there may be trash or items that are just really worn out that need to be retired. 

    So your first box is dedicated to all the things that will be thrown out. These are items that are too worn to be donated. 

    Box 2: Donate

    The second box will be for items that you want to donate. These items are used but still have life in them that someone else can use. This helps reduce waste and helps someone else in need.

    As you go through your items, ask yourself the key decluttering questions to decide if it’s something you really need or use and consider letting it go if you no longer use it.

    Box 3: Sell

    Turn that clutter into CASH! This is the most motivating way to get rid of things. You can sell just about anything thanks to various websites such as Etsy, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and Poshmark. You could also have a good old fashion yard sale and sell your items in person. 

    Use your third box for items that you could sell for extra money. You’d be surprised at how much you can make off your clutter!

    Box 4: Keep

    The fourth box is for items you are going to keep. Remember, your goal is to simplify your life. So dig deep! If you haven’t used it in the past year, it may be time to let it go, with the exception of sentimental items. 

    Box 5: Relocate

    This box makes cleaning and decluttering a cinch. Rather than running from room to room, putting things away you want to keep but don’t belong in the room they are in, you put them all into this box and relocate them to where they are supposed to be once you are done with the category or room you are working on. 

    Alternative Decluttering Methods

    Just like anything else, such as dieting, budgeting, or working out, you need to choose a decluttering method that is easy for you to do. So, if the 5-box method isn’t quite your jam, then you can try these alternative decluttering methods:

    Time-Limit Decluttering Method

    This method is fantastic if you just want to get the process over with and move on to a simpler tidier home. With this method, you set a time limit for each room or category, and you declutter it within the allotted time.

    For instance, if you are decluttering your bedroom, you could set the time for 30 minutes or an hour and get it done fast. This is a great method for someone that is fed up with the mess and wants it gone.

    Marie Kondo Method

    This is one of the most popular decluttering methods around. It may take longer, but with this method, you only keep items that “Spark Joy.” You also declutter by categories instead of by rooms. So, if you are decluttering your wardrobe, you put ALL of your clothes into piles and go through each piece.

    Check out Marie Kondo’s book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” to learn more. 

    You can still use my decluttering checklist with any of the methods you want to try. It will help you see what you’ve accomplished and what else you need to do on your list. 

    Use this Free Printable Decluttering Checklist PDF to Clear the Clutter!

    If you yearn for more time and less chaos decluttering your life is the way to do it. Less stuff means less to clean, and you will create a home that makes you happy. That is one of my big goals this year. 

    So what are you waiting for? Get the free printable decluttering checklist pdf today and get started! 

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