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Simplify and Declutter Your Bedroom for Better Sleep!

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Did you know that a cluttered bedroom could be causing your sleep disturbance? This goes back to clutter causing stress, which is a huge reason to declutter your bedroom ASAP!

I used to be able to fall asleep anywhere at any time. 

Seriously, I would have slept through a tornado, but my mom woke me up. I was blessed or cursed with the ability to sleep anywhere.

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Now, I lie awake with a cluttered mind and bedroom. I didn’t realize how much this stuff was really taking away from my rest & relaxation.

So my goal is to declutter my bedroom and turn it into a sleep sanctuary!

If you are also experiencing sleep disorders and you feel anxious at night, the first step you can take to help is to declutter your bedroom. 

4 Quick Tips to Simplify and Declutter Your Bedroom

Declutter your way to a tidy and relaxing bedroom with these four simple tips:

  1. Declutter Your Bedroom Shelves

When it comes to your bedroom, less is more. Clutter causes sensory overload, and if your shelves are filled with piles of stuff and knick-knacks, it’s time to clean house.

Take everything off your shelves, go through each item, and use these decluttering questions to help you decide what stays and what goes.

2. Declutter Your Headboard 

Decluttering your headboard, if you have one, is a big must. Having tons of clutter and items right above your head may cause a claustrophobic feeling. (I have experienced this, I know.)

Your bed is for sleeping, so it needs to be rid of random items. Apply the same process as you did when you decluttered your shelves. The less you have taking up space, the more relaxed you will feel.

 If you have items you can’t part with, find a new home for most of them. Only keep things that keep you calm on your headboard. 

3. Free Yourself From Furniture

Do you have too much furniture in your bedroom? Does it feel cramped? You need to simplify and declutter that, also! The less stuff you have to store, the less furniture and storage you will need.

You can try getting a bed with drawer storage underneath and get rid of your dresser for more space. Some people use wall space instead of floor space to free up the room to make it feel larger.

Just remember not to clutter up those areas. Your bedroom is for resting & relaxing. Don’t store items in it that don’t belong, and it will make decluttering your bedroom much easier!

4. Decorate with Calming Decor

Your bedroom needs to be associated with relaxation and sleep. So when you decorate, use calming colors and simple decor. For instance, studies found that specific colors, such as blue, can help reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure!

You should also utilize indoor plants for stress-reducing effects and air purification! Plants such as aloe vera and succulents can purify the air, and they are beautiful to look at.

You can also incorporate a diffuser for essential oils to help you relax and sleep. Using lavender essential oils can improve sleep quality and may help reduce anxiety.

Above all, remember to use the K.I.S.S. Method when decorating your bedroom. Keep It Simple Sweetie!

Declutter Your Bedroom to Improve Sleep!

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If you’re having trouble with insomnia, anxiety, and frustration decluttering your bedroom can be a huge help.

After decluttering your bedroom, you can redecorate it with relaxing colors and a few items to help with relaxation, such as a diffuser. Think of your bedroom as your sanctuary to rest, sleep, and recharge.

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